Iceland Glaciological Society - EISI

Extreme Ice Survey Iceland

Help us record how glaciers in Iceland are changing

The Extreme Ice Survey Iceland (EISI) project invites you to become a citizen scientist by joining the Iceland Glaciological Society (JÖRFÍ) in building a photographic record of glacier change in Iceland.

The objective is to document long-term glacier changes around the country and is an extension of the glacier terminus measurements undertaken by the society since the 1930s.

Everyone can contribute to this documentation by taking a photo and uploading it to the photographic record.

Take a photo at one of our repeat photography locations:

Enter your photo into the photographic record by uploading it here:

Photos submitted to EISI are released under a public domain (CC0) licence. Read more about how your data is used.

How are Iceland's glaciers changing?

Rapid recession of almost all glaciers in Iceland has been observed since mid-1990s and recorded with various methods, including repeat photography like you are invited to participate in here. Glacier retreat in Iceland, and all over the world where glaciers are losing mass, is one of them ost obvious consequences of global warming.

Learn more about how Iceland’s glaciers are changing over time.

Your repeat photos will help build a time-lapse showing glacier changes, like this one: